The Role of Health Care Workers of Kedungrejo Public Health Center in Stunting Reduction Strategy

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Ristya Widi Endah Yani
Isa Ma’Rufi
Ulva Hari Andini


Introduction: Banyuwangi Regency experienced the increase of stunting number as many as 8,2% from 2019. Stunting is not only affecting toddlers’ health, but also obstructing the development and the progress of a nation in the future. This case relates to the role of the health human resources in solving stunting. The role of health human resources towards stunting reduction strategy is crucial, in which using specific and sensitive nutritional intervention strategies. The current study aims to analyse the role of health human resources towards stunting reduction strategy.

Methods: The study performed an analitical observational research with a cross sectional approach. The sample was 55 mothers possessing 0-23-month toddlers taken by clustered random sampling. The research variable was the basic role of the health human resources with some indicators applying specific and sensitive nutritional intervention. The data were analysed using descriptive method and logistic regression test.

Results: The role of the communicator was mostly in a good category (61.8%), the motivator was mostly in good category (80%), the facilitator was mostly in not really good category (54.4%), the counselor was mostly in good category (76.4%). The communicator and the motivator influenced the specific nutritional intervention. The motivator and the facilitator influenced the sensitive nutritional intervention.

Conclusion: The role of the communicator and motivator influenced the specific nutritional intervention as the stunting reduction strategy. Also, the motivator and facilitator influenced sensitive nutritional intervention.

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How to Cite
Endah Yani, R. W., Ma’Rufi, I. and Andini, U. H. (2023) “The Role of Health Care Workers of Kedungrejo Public Health Center in Stunting Reduction Strategy”, International Journal of Integrated Medical Research, 10(03), pp. 83–88. doi: 10.57181/ijoimr/vol10i03/124.
Research Article


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