Homoeopathy in Diabetic Keto-Acidosis
Main Article Content
Diabetes have three types. Type 1 diabetes, Type 2 diabetes & Type 3 diabetes. The current article deals with all the Types of diabetes. All these three types affect the metabolism of the body negatively through Keto Acidosis. Gradually, the common man is getting aware about the emerging metabolic issues in diabetic individuals. This is ‘Diabetic Keto Acidosis’ or the cross cutting phenomenon in all the types of diabetes. When the diabetes affects the brain, it is called ‘Diabetic Encephalopathy’ or Type 3 diabetes.
The article discusses the History, Patho Physiology, Epidemiology, Burden of the disease in India. Thereafter, the article explores the role of Homoeopathy of the AYUSH ministry in dealing with the problem. The article gives a suggestive treatment protocol based on Homoeopathy.
Finally, the article focuses upon the ‘cost effectiveness’, ‘clinical effectiveness’ & ‘zero side effects’ qualities of Homoeopathy. Hence, its use on a mass scale to deal with the ensuing diabetic related Keto Acidosis is discussed at the national level.
Article Details
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